Maggie Glass: Blog 5- Red Kettler’s Ring in Centre County’s Holiday Season

Salvation Army volunteer's ring the bell to help solicit donations for to help those in need.  (From

Salvation Army volunteer rings the bell to help solicit donations to help those in need. (From


CENTRE COUNTY- Red Kettler’s are ringing in the holiday season in store fronts throughout Centre County to raise money for the Salvation Army State College Corps.
Beginning on Black Friday and ending on Christmas Eve, volunteers from different organizations will stand in rain, sleet or shine for donations six days a week for the Salvation Army.

Betty Ellen Barrett, an employee of the Salvation Army State College Corps, is hard at work this holiday season.  Along with organizing donations for needy families around State College, Barrett also helps organize the Red Kettle Campaign for the State College Area.

Barrett stated that “90% of the funds raised from the Red Kettle’s will stay in the State College Area and the other 10% goes to Philadelphia where the divisional Head Quarters is.”

She also said that “A lot of people only think of the Salvation Army during Christmas time, but the money raised helps support the families throughout the year providing rent, utilities and food to those in need.”

Another Salvation Army Supporter, Nelson Whaeler, of the Ferguson Township Lion’s Club, donated two hours of his day to ring the bell for the Red Kettle Campaign.  “This particular time of year the Salvation Army does a particular good job with helping out people who are in need, and that’s what our club (Ferguson Township Lion’s Club) stands for,” Whaeler stated as he rang the bell outside of the Walmart in Ferguson Township.

The Red Kettles can be found outside of local Big Lots, Sam’s Club, Walmart, Macy’s and the hospital.  However, if you would like to make a donation you can also visit State College’s Salvation Army for more information.

To volunteer your time ringing the bell to make a difference in State College, click here.


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