Taking Comm 465 this semester was a challenging experience that helped me grow as a journalist. I had experience shooting, editing, and writing but 465 combines them all and requires accuracy, astuteness, and vision. The class pressed my patience and skills as a student. I had experience in previous comm courses for radio, studio/field production, and newspaper writing but there’s a weird intangible quality for 465. The combination of writing, shooting, editing, working with teammates, meeting deadlines and actively multitasking requires effort.
I leave Comm 465 a better storyteller. I think my visual and print storytelling skills have improved. Coming into the course; I had some experience under my belt between internships and student blogs. However, my narrating skills were stretched. Coming up with fresh ideas and finding unique angles was always a challenge. I also got better with technical aspects with the camera and editing. Group work was challenging at times but I managed. It’s also hard balancing multiple 400 level courses but, simply put, that’s life. There are no easy routes.
Dr. Z, you’re a tough grader but ultimately it’s good you hold your students to such a high standard. You treated us like professionals and expected the same in return. I enjoyed anecdotes from your time at CNN and other jobs. You always had jewels for us. Moving forward; I know there’s still room for improvement. I want to keep that attitude in every foray of my career. Sometimes learning means doing things wrong and correcting them. I had to get used to unfiltered criticism. You always have to be honest with yourself in evaluating work, adjusting, and refocusing. I definitely will keep those things in mind. Thank you for a solid semester and a great class experience Dr. Z. Have a great winter break.