Should tuition be free for college students? Last night in the democratic debate candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Rodham Clinton both promised tuition-free college education for prospective students. The question is, can college really be provided to students completely “free” of charge? Someone has to pay.
Axle: College should be free to everyone but a concrete plan needs to be put into effect
The Riders: people between the ages of 16-28. This age range consists of people considering college, current college students, and recent college graduates that are still paying off student loans. Parents of future and current college students as well as economists/economics professor could provide insightful information on the subject.
Spokes: I would include both Sanders’ and Clinton’s plan to make college tuition-free. For this I would interview an economist and have them describe how each individual plan varies and which plan seems more effective. I would also highlight how likely this tuition-free plan would be.
Beginning- the story would start with various shots of students walking to class and studying in a college library with a voiceover that gives statistics of how many graduates are still struggling with debt.
Middle- B-roll of economist/economics professor in his office paraphrasing Sanders’ and Clinton’s economic plan to receive tuition-free college educations while cutting to shots of the bank and stacks of money to emphasize the amount of money being discussed. Ask the economist if their plans are realistic enough to work.
End- cut to students working part-time jobs and later cut to college graduates that are in their first or second job in their offices. Cut to one employee in particular and ask how far in debt they are and how they feel about future plans to make college free.