Tom Kopania’s Class Reflection

When I first signed up for Comm. 465 I thought I was going to have a fun time doing packages, and going to have to require tons of time outside the classroom. This class met my expectations. Even though doing packages was stressful and inconvenient at times, I still liked producing them. This class was also very informational in showing what it’s like to be a news reporter. I learned so many things from this class like: shooting sequences, the importance of certain shots to show meaning, and how to work with different types of broadcasting equipment.

Tom Kopania at the Bekery Creamery

Tom Kopania at the Bekery Creamery

Shooting sequences is very important for broadcasting because is a vital important method of story telling, and the way you show your audience how something is done. Shooting a sequence is a way to take the audience to a place they have never seen before. By taking medium shots you show the scene, followed up by a close shot, one the normal person has never seen before. I provided such shots when presenting my Berkey Creamery project. I shot a sequence of ice cream being made, to it being packaged up. I shot the worker from a far setting preparing the ingredients, and got up close of the machine mixing the powder, and how the ice cream is dispensed and packaged. This took the story to a different level, and gave the audience a scene they’ve probably never seen unless they have worked in an ice cream factory.

One of the best things 465 did was get me on-hands experience with broadcasting equipment. Learning to work with the JVC camera, and physically using the JVC was a fantastic experience. In addition to working with the JVC, I also learned about different types of microphones, and that gave me the proper knowledge on what microphone to use when. The last equipment lesion was with lighting, and how to setup shots and interviews to get the right lighting. I took my knowledge to the field on my medical marijuana project, when I had the Health Center employee turned away from the window and to the side.

An important thing 465 did was give students the ability to work with different editing software. Working and learning Adobe Premiere, Photoshop and Audition was a blessing, and a necessity for all broadcasting or film majors.

Tom Kopania doing his first stand-up

Tom Kopania doing his first stand-up

Besides getting broadcasting experience Dr.Z’s comm.465 class taught me how to manage time. This class takes up a lot of outside the classroom time, and you have to know when to do your project and interviews while keeping up with your other four classes. It also taught me to always have a back up plan, and to always double check. What I mean by this is, sometimes things don’t go your way and people are uncooperative an you should always have a second plan. Sometimes people are busy or don’t want to be interview, but you should always have another person in mind. Also double-checking and being responsible to you is important. Play the footage back before you leave an interview, make sure everything looks good, and check equipment to make sure it’s working before you go out into the field. These simple life lessons will carry you far, and keep you prepared.

But overall working in this class and with Dr.Z was a great, pleasurable time!

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