Weekly Story 7 – Group 3 Bu’s Ballers


Weekly Story Idea: Bicycle Wheel Form  


Team 3 — Jeanmarie Winger and Keith Petersen

The Axle (What do you want the viewer to understand? Use one declare sentence: Noun + Verb + Object. Do not use a phrase or ask a question here.):

A State College man is re-sentenced to 16-32 years in jail on aggravated assault charges, after an altercation with his girlfriend.

The Riders (Who are the best people to tell the story):

The riders to tell this story would be the State College residents and the police that were involved with the case. The legal battle has been ongoing since 2014 so many people of the community have been paying attention to the case for a while. The police that were involved in the arrest of this man would want to be updated on the trial and know what kind of sentencing he was given.

The Spokes (Any memorable moments: bites, sound, track, stand-up?):

Some memorable moments would be to interview the police that had originally arrested the man, interviewing either a relative or friend of the victim and having a stand-up outside of the court. Also, trying to get a statement from the man’s lawyer would also be beneficial.

The Rim (What are the beginning, middle and ending of your story?)

1)    Beginning: We would begin with a shot of the courthouse where the case was being held with a voiceover with an opening about the State College man and his conviction. We would take another shot of the inside of the courtroom during the session with the convicted, lawyers and the audience for the case.

2)    Middle: We would get a shot of the man convicted walking down the courthouse steps and the lawyer’s post-court interview. This is where we would have our stand-up, right in front of the courthouse. We would also get a shot of the home that the assault occurred in with details to the viewers on exactly what happened during the altercation and why it happened. We would try and get a 10 second shot of the motorcycle that caused the incident.

3)     Ending:   We would try and get an interview with either a relative or friend of the victim and his/her reaction to the court ruling. We would end the shot with the convicted man entering the police car to be taken away to prison.

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