After I took this course, when I look at news, I saw contributors’ struggles, efforts and its making process. This course has given me a totally new angle to view things that are broadcasted.
I truly fall in love with team-work. As an international student, I am more comfortable with writing English. Writing a news story for print works totally fine for me, but when it comes to broadcast, I face challenges to make script sound conversational. Team-work totally solves this problem. Since broadcast news needs to be sounded more conversational, my teammates help a lot. I don’t even know how to put this gratitude into words. I just want to thank everyone who was in my team before.
This course truly makes ‘Many hands make light work’ true. I thought working by myself is more convenient. Although solo work is sometimes efficient and comfortable, working together with teammates makes our projects more productive and successful because we put diverse brilliant ideas into our project. Especially, when we were out to film, many hands were really helpful. Moreover, through team-work, we learn how to work with others,build relationships and deal with problems among people.
Before I took this class, I thought of an old-school version of journalism which was mainly about writing. However, throughout Dr.Z’s lectures, they changed my perspectives on today’s journalism. Even if all the robots and high-technology make us sad, I got the idea of that we really need to try to make a difference every single day and improve.
It was awesome to have experiences using cool stuffs in the equipment room. I feel like I am confident enough to address my skills that I have learned throughout this course. Now, I understand why people who are in the real world say hands-on experience is precious and crucial. It took time and still I am learning things to get new skills and concepts, so it would be better to start early to get used to things.
I think everyone feels the same way that our class-bond was strong and we love each other so much. I am also grateful that I make precious friends that I didn’t expect at all. Although I’ve been in the U.S. about 4 years, sometimes it’s hard to talk to Americans. But, because of you guys’ warm heart and cooperation, I open my mind so much. I would definitely miss everyone and Dr.Z. I will always remember you guys. Thank you and I appreciate everything.
P.S. If you ever get a chance to visit South Korea, don’t hesitate to contact me!!!!