Weekly Story Idea #4

NAMES: Zoë Green, Jonas Saint Preux, John Kluepfel


ASSIGNMENT: Weekly Story Idea #4




  1. The Axle: Rotelli, a famous restaurant located downtown near the university’s campus, has just announced that it will be closing after 10 years of business. The original article talks mostly about why they are closing which is due to bankruptcy. However, we want to look at it from the perspective of the owners of the company and frequent customers/community members. We want the viewers to understand how much Rotelli has contributed to the community through their services over the past 10 years.
  2. The Riders: The best people to tell this story would be the owners of the restaurant, and other community members who were familiar with the restaurant.
  3. The Spokes:
    1. Noting that the restaurant has been in business for 10 years and asking the owners if they had any significant memories they cared to share. This interview would take place inside the restaurant maybe right before they open so we wouldn’t be in the way of customer traffic.
    2. Maybe doing a flashback of their first day of business and incorporate still photos that the owners might have.
    3. Interviewing community members (maybe customers as they are entering/leaving) and asking them about any memorable moments that they would like to share. This part would take place right outside the restaurant. Hopefully they would say something about how they are going to miss the restaurant or something along those lines.
  4. The Rim:
    1. Beginning: the beginning of the story would introduce the restaurant unfortunately closing after 10 years of service due to bankruptcy. Then the story would go into a softer aspect. The owners would go into detail about how they feel about the restaurant closing and the business they’re going to miss.
    2. Middle: The middle of the story would focus on how great the past 10 years has been in Happy Valley. This is where the incorporation of the still photos would come into play.
    3. Ending: The end of the story would be talking to the customers and them sharing any great memories about the business.


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