Weekly Story Idea – Team 4

Alexa Healy, Drew Aunkst, Shaleyah Young, Jordan Heffren


Axle: Centre County residents could have an increased risk of developing cancer due to water contaminated with the toxin chromium-6.

The Riders: It would be good to talk to an oncologist about the health impacts of being exposed to chromium. Another person who would be good to interview would be an official from the State College Borough Water Authority about how the contamination occurred and what they plan to do to correct the issue. Lastly, it would be important to interview a local resident about their thoughts and feelings relating to the contamination.

The Spokes: A stand-up could be done outside of the State College Borough Water Authority. A memorable moment would be getting an interview from a medical professional about what the risks are related to chromium and cancer. Another memorable moment would be getting an interview from a local resident to find out how they feel about knowing their water has been contaminated.

The Rim:

Beginning: The beginning of the story would start with a stand-up out front of the State College Borough Water Authority. Next, it would cut to an interview with a medical professional explaining the health impacts of being exposed to chromium.

Middle: The middle of the story would showcase local residents reactions to the water contamination.

End: The end of the story would consist of an interview with an official from the water authority about what they plan to do to ensure people have safe drinking water, as well as any advice they have about how to limit exposure to the contamination.


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