Team 5 Weekly Story idea 6 Isenberg, Golden, Stetzar

Malik Golden, Sara Isenberg,Taylor Stetzar


Comm 465,1469490/


Story Idea Template: Bicycle Wheel Form

The Axle (What do you want the viewer to understand? Use one declare sentence: Noun + Verb + Object. Do not use a phrase or ask a question here.): We want the viewer to understand The former executive director of Boal Mansion Museum, Christopher G. Lee, was sentenced Tuesday to serve 18 years in prison.


The Riders (Who are the best people to tell the story): The best people to tell this story are

Lee’s family, Lee’s attorneys, the prosecutors, police officers, his co-workers, and community members who have known him for years.


The Spokes (Any memorable moments: bites, soundtrack, stand-up?): Memorable moments could be standup at the courthouse and/ or at the museum he ran. We could get sound bites from his family or community members speaking on his presence in the community and what they generally thought of him as a person.


The Rim (What are the beginning, middle and ending of your story?)

1)    Beginning: We will begin by recapping the arrest that happened in 2014 and explaining what happened yesterday with Lee’s sentencing.

2)    Middle: We will then localize the story by talking to local people about their reactions to Lee’s crimes and sentencing. We would interview Lee’s attorney and the prosecutors, people who knew him, his family and his co-workers. We would also discuss the charges against Lee in 2005, and address why he was not convicted.  We will also talk with a local police officer about how police would catch child pornography offenders and how common an occurrence it is in the county.

3)     Ending:  We will end by discussing whether or not the prosecutors will pursue the charges from last fall regarding Lee allegedly interacting with minors with the intent to have sexual relations with them.


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