Team 6 – Weekly Story Idea 6

Hunter Hulbert

Corey Chwazik

Derrick Dixon


Story Source:,1469528/


Axle: Steps to Safety 5K is just one of the many resources survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence can utilize in Centre County



  • Representatives from the Centre County Women’s Resource Center
  • Local government officials/representatives
  • Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Survivors




  • Having a survivor share their story and the importance of education and resources
  • Government representatives talking about the facts and figures of sexual assault and violence, expressing support for the 5K
  • CCWRC leaders talking about the resources they have, what the 5K is about and how it started and what people can do if they have been assaulted or if they feel like they might be in the future


The Rim:


Beginning: We would talk about the 5K and how it came to be, the relation to the prevalence of sexual assault in the area and we would include clips of government officials talking about that.


Middle: We would go into the individual stories of survivors and have CCWRC leaders educating the public and letting them know about the 5K and other resources they have for people.


End: We would conclude with further information for these resources and encourage people to come to the event even if it is just to support the cause and the people participating.

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