Weekly Story Idea 6

Members: Kendal Higdon, Kayla Lowe, Kathleen Ritter.

Story: http://www.centredaily.com/news/local/article107875717.html

Axle: Citizens in Centre County need to start saving water so Farmers have more water to use during the drought.


  1. A farmer who is losing a lot of crops to the drought
  2. Members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  3. Members of the state Department of Environmental Protection


  1. A farmer showing his dried out crops to show how severe the drought is
  2. Members of the U.S Department of Agriculture explain and show ways that citizens at home can save water.
  3. Members of the state Department of Environmental Protection explain and show how much the drought is affecting not only the crops but also the rest of our environment.

The Rim:

  1. Beginning: Members of the state Department of Environmental Protection explain how severe the drought is and how it is effecting the environment in Centre County
  2. Middle: A farmer goes across his farm and shows how dried out his crops are to show the severity of the droughts.
  3. End: Members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture explain and show ways that citizens at home can do their part and save water.
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