Team 5 Weekly Story Idea 7 Isenberg Golden Stetzar

Malik Golden, Sara Isenberg,Taylor Stetzar


Comm 465,1469543/


Story Idea Template: Bicycle Wheel Form

The Axle (What do you want the viewer to understand? Use one declare sentence: Noun + Verb + Object. Do not use a phrase or ask a question here.): It’s Halloween season and we would like to bring to light all of the haunted houses we have here in state college and how they’ve come about.


The Riders (Who are the best people to tell the story): The best people to tell the story would be Michael Marx (one of the owners of the haunted house) and William Rojas (owner of another haunted house) who both are married with no children. We would also interview people who visit the houses, people who live in the neighborhood, and local police about the safety of the houses and if there are ever problems.


The Spokes (Any memorable moments: bites, soundtrack, stand-up?):  We want to do our stand up in the house using their decorations (for example, popping out of a coffin or dressed in a costume to blend in with the scenery and play off the Halloween theme.) Some memorable moments could be the reaction of customers who visit the house, how the owners set up the house and get some sound bites of inside the house. Another memorable moment could be walking the different owners through each others’ houses to see the competition/to find inspiration for new ideas.


The Rim (What are the beginning, middle and ending of your story?)

1)    Beginning: We will begin by showing how the houses are set up and then possibly people’s reactions going through the haunted houses.


2)    Middle: The middle would be a stand-up of how the owners transitioned into the area.  We will then set up meeting for the families to share ideas and bond over their love of Halloween. cWe could also ask the families about the current violent clown issue in the country, and if they expect it to be a problem that surfaces in their communities and houses. We will talk to local families about how the presence houses have affected their halloween plans and if they act as fun attractions or annoying tourist spots for the neighborhood.


3)     Ending: We would end our story by asking the families for details of their set ups this year, and if they changed anything. We would also ask what themes they’re thinking of doing in the future (for the Rojas couple). We would also ask if they would ever consider doing the same thing for other holidays (other than Christmas).

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