Team 4 – Weekly Story Idea 8

Jordan Heffren

Shaleyah Young

Drew Aunkst

Alexa Healy

Team 4

The Axle: Residents may potentially encounter violence at the polling booths on election day.

The Riders: The best people to tell the story would be local voters to find out if they believe violence is possible on election day and also what their thoughts are about school’s being closed as a preventative measure. It would also be good to talk to school officials in the state college area about whether or not they will be closing. Finally, it would be interesting to talk to local police about how they plan to combat potential violence and what measures they have taken to deal with this threat.

The Spokes: We would do a standup out front of one of the schools in the state college area that will be used as a voting location. Another memorable moment would be getting a soundbite from a local police officer about how they are preparing for potential violence due to this year heated election.

The Rim

1)    Beginning: The beginning of the story would start out with us explaining the fact that many schools across the country have decided to close due to threats of violence from the election.

2)    Middle: The middle of the story would include a stand-up with state college residents about whether or not they believe violence is possible on election day and whether or not they are concerned about it.

3)     Ending: The end of our story would close with an interview from a state college police officer about what the police force is doing to help combat violence and if they have any safety tips for local residents

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