Story Idea 8 – Group 6

Hunter Hulbert
Corey Chwazik
Derrick Dixon


Axle: The importance of conservation and its effect on the local economy in Central PA

The Riders:
1.) Meyer Dairy and Everhart Farm Owners
2.) Conservationist Expert from ClearWater Conservancy
3.) College and Harris Township Representatives
4.) Local residents

The Spokes:
Memorable moments would come from the owners of the farms talking about the importance of conserving it and demonstrating the economic impact it has on the community. In addition, talking to residents who have utilized their products would add the humanized element and further demonstrate the importance of conservation in the community. Including experts will help show the facts and figures behind it which will enhance credibility and the standup can go along with this in a demonstration of the positive effects of conserving this land.

The Rim
Beginning: We would discuss the project and what it aims to protect. We would go into the economic effects and the key resources this project is improving while linking it to any vulnerabilities that currently exist in the local area.

Middle: We would then lead into interviews with residents, representatives, the owners and experts from the conservancy. This would humanize our story by talking about the impact it will have on the economy and the people of Central PA.

End: We would conclude with details on when the project will finish up and what it is expected to look like when everything is completed.

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