Mandy Bell and Michelle Backus Story Idea 1

Group: Mandy Bell, Michelle Backus

Penn State field hockey’s Aurelia Meijer from The Netherlands

The Axle: The focus of this story will be the difficulties of a foreign student adjusting to American culture at Penn State. With all of the controversy with immigration right now, we would highlight her opinions of immigration and how America has benefited her life.

The Riders: We would definitely talk to Meijer. We would also talk to Meijer’s close teammates on the field hockey team so they can explain how they saw Meijer adjust to American ways. We would also try to talk to Meijer’s friends who are not on the field hockey team, who she had to meet through classes or other social activities. We would have them explain what they think about her, how they met her and what she has brought to their lives as an immigrant from another country.

The Spokes: We will definitely be getting sound bites from Meijer, her teammates and her friends to explain stories of Meijer’s transition to America. We can get nat. sound of Meijer speaking Dutch to her family over the phone or FaceTime, Meijer playing field hockey and her natural conversations with friends and teammates. We will then have stand-ups outside of the field hockey complex and her favorite places in State College explaining different aspects of Meijer’s story to transition from one sound bite to the other.

The Rim:

Beginning: We will begin by explaining Meijer’s Dutch background, statistics on the number of international students at Penn State and maybe touch on the controversy of immigration currently in the United States (if it’s still relevant at the time we turn the project in).

Middle: We would have sound bites and clips of Meijer explaining the difficulties of her transition to America and how she over came those difficulties. We would then have other friends and teammates tell their stories about Meijer and have them comment on what Meijer has brought to their lives as a foreign student athlete.

End: We would end with explaining the success that Meijer is having both on the field hockey field and in the social/cultural aspect of Penn State with shots of her playing field hockey and interacting with students on campus. We will also say what Meijer plans to do after graduating Penn State and if she will remain in America.

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