Axle: PA beer distributors are now able to sell individual six packs, in addition to many other new changes to alcohol laws.
Riders: Beer distributors, bar owners, shoppers at beer distributors
Spokes: Interviews with owners/managers of local beer distributors, interviews of local bartenders/ bar owners, b-roll of the inside of a beer distributor, sequence shot of a six pack purchase
Beginning: Begin with a sequence shot of someone buying a six pack of beer with a voice over explaining the new law.
Middle: A couple of interviews with a beer distributor explaining how it will change their stores, and a bar owner talking about the ability to now sell alcohol without food on sunday mornings.
End: Standup mixed with b-roll talking about how this will potentially change the state college community with its large bar scene. Finish with one final interview with a customer at a beer distributor talking about their reaction to the change.