Emma Curtis – Weekly Story Idea 4

Story Link:  http://www.centredaily.com/news/local/education/article135001014.html

The Axle:  Centre County, specifically Bellefonte, locals react to the addition of high school courses that could be used for college credit.

The Riders:  I would get statements from Bellefonte Area High School Principal, Jennifer Brown, as well as statements from current sophomores and juniors who would be interested in the newly added courses. I also think it would be beneficial to speak with parents of students eligible to take these courses and get their reaction to the courses.

 The Spokes: I would try to get sound from a college course that is already offered at Bellefonte Area High School – something such as a teacher giving a lesson and include a shot of students raising their hand or taking notes. I would also include the interviews and sound bites from those I spoke with. My camera shots would include shots of the building, shots from inside the classroom, and sequence shots of students doing their work in the classroom.  I would also use natural sound from the students, maybe sound of a locker closing or a backpack zipping up.

The Rim:

Beginning:  I would begin with an interview from the Principal explaining how these courses would affect students and their prospective college choices. I would also explain that these classes were being offered through UPitt and explain the difference between the new courses and the school’s current AP and college credit options.

Middle:  During the middle of the segment, I would include interviews with the students and their parents. I would gain opinions and reactions with these interviews that would make the story more personal and important to those in the area. I would also include a lot of b-roll from inside the class room and at the school while I use soundbites from students.

End:  I would conclude this story with a standup and explanation of the benefits of the added courses and how they could potentially affect Bellefonte High School students as they get ready to go to college. I would probably include b-roll of the students doing work and maybe a still photo of UPitt and I would sign off during my standup.

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