Story idea formed from these web pages:
Axel: I want the viewer to understand that the demand for housing in State College could increase air pollution.
Riders: The best people to tell the story are meteorologists from the Centre County area, Penn State admissions office and construction companies that are planning to build in the State College area.
Spokes: Use natural sound of construction workers, stand-up of reporter at the location of the proposed high-rise building, and shots of construction sights in Penn State.
The beginning: The anchor will introduce the story and reporter; b-roll of high rise buildings in State College; reporter discusses that housing is in demand for State College residents which is creating opportunities for construction companies (use natural sound of construction workers); show potential construction companies interviewed about why they want to build in State College; show interview of admissions office at Penn State discussing if increasing student enrollment is increasing the demand for housing.
Middle: Reporter at the proposed high-rise building at the intersection of East College Avenue and South Atherton Street will discuss that construction will start if the State College Borough Council grants permission. The reporter will discuss this is just one high-rise building that was proposed to help the demand for housing, but this has created controversy in the community over environmental issues.
Ending: Reporter will wrap up with the consequences of increased air pollution and how State College residents could be affected; show interview of a meteorologist discussing how high-rise buildings create air pollution; reporter wraps up with more information on the housing demand.