Weekly Story Idea 6 Zach Green


Axle: The viewer needs to know what to expect from the big snow storm coming on Tuesday.

Riders: A Penndot Representative (road expectations), a SCSD representative for school closure information, and an interview with a shopper (preparations)

Spokes: B roll of a snow plow being prepared, a road being salted, and shoppers inside of a grocery store. There would be interviews with a PennDot representative explaining what they are doing to the roads before the storm. An interview with someone from State College School District to talk about potential school closings, and an interview with a shopper who has milk and eggs.


Beginning: Open with a shot of snow falling downtown with a voice over detailing the expected storm and its projected snowfall.

Middle: First interview will be someone from the school district explaining what needs to happen for school to be closed (roads). Next it will go to a PennDot representative talking about precautions needed for driving tomorrow and how they plan on clearing the roads during the storm.

End: Final interview with a shopper at the grocery store talking about how their family is preparing, with that mainly as a voice over with B roll of shoppers in the grocery store. Finish with a stand up outside of the store mentioning some of the most bought items.

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