Blog #5- MJ Mughetto

When I first entered this class I was completely naive to the amount of skills required for media knowledge. After experiencing this course, however, I can say I know fully the amount of time and effort it takes to master such things. I was lost when we first used the cameras and additionally I was intimidated. I never thought I would be able to use one independently but later proved myself wrong. We started with the basics and as the course continued, expectations heightened. Not only did the grading become tougher, but we became tougher on ourselves to produce quality work. Working with a team was something I enjoyed more than working alone. Even though I realize it is important to work things out by yourself, I believe I did better work when able to collaborate my ideas with others. Here, at the end of the course, I believe my skills are much better than they were in September. Unfortunately, I ran into major issues with premiere for my Project 4. I believe if someone were here to work with me I could have solved it. I would like to learn more about Premiere because it is something we worked with all semester but I have still not yet mastered it. Overall, I would say this class helped me grow as an adult and broadcast journalism major.

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