Tech Report 1 by Joe Skinner

TurboTax has become the 21st century way for people to file their taxes, especially among the younger population. Instead of the older way of doing taxes by hand, TurboTax makes it easy to file taxes and has several unique features to ease the process and get the maximum refund possible. It makes the process go quicker by using a camera to automate many of the steps to doing your taxes, and has caught on due to the different levels of membership. The most popular version is the free version of the app which allows users to file their federal and state taxes for free. Instead of having to pay for someone else to do your taxes, this app makes it easy for the user to do them yourself.

This app is innovative in the sense that it uses the basic features of your phone in order to do something as important and sometimes complex as filing taxes. One of the better-known features of this app, which is what mostly drives people towards using the app, is the camera filing feature. On the TurboTax app, you can use your camera phone to take a picture of a W-2 form to automatically input financial data into a tax return. This type of technology in a camera has been available for a few years in banking, where some banking apps allow users to take pictures of their checks to deposit on mobile apps. Additionally, most iPhones allow users to take pictures of credit and debit cards so they can directly input the information into Apple Wallet and other banking features, so this technology has already been used before TurboTax was able to adopt it. This technology allows TurboTax to appeal to a younger audience who may not know or have ever learned how to do taxes and might be intimidated by it at first. It appeals to first time workers who have never had to file taxes before, and TurboTax not only allows these workers to easily file their taxes but it also educates the user at every step on why things are important.

In conclusion, the TurboTax app is a revolutionary app that impacts many people. The app casts a wide net by being applicable to anyone that works and has to file a tax return. The next possible developments in this app could be more education features on different parts of doing taxes and why things are important, as well as making more government tax forms and tax process electronic and paperless.

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