Nielson All Access

Naseem Johnson

Comm 498

Dr Bu Zhong

March 19, 2020

  1. I am a big fan of the Hip Hop Community. Nothing is better than being the first person to know something, especially new music like singles and albums. You get this special feeling like you’re important. You feel like you can build an audience that can trust you because not only that you are first with the information but the first with accurate information from accurate sources. That’s why a lot of radio stations, Tv shows, podcasters, and more rely on this website. We all know how the media manipulates the minds of its consumers with all false information like Fox news for example. Some people rely on fox news such as regular ordinary people who just watch regular TV but for businesses it’s not the smartest place to recover news from as the information can be very inaccurate. For places like radio and Tv shows, if I want to rely on accurate information I have to find a trusted source that’s unbiased and reports things as they come to light. Social media is a big leader in misinformation as fake news has been bigger more than ever, especially on Facebook. A website that completely destroys fake news, Misinformation and is recommended by most corporations when broadcasting is Nielson All Access.
  2. I personally use Nielson All Access because I am a music lover. 75% of my day is streaming music on Spotify. Whenever I want to find about top trending songs, Upcoming songs, Artist News and more. I can just simply go to Nielson All Access. I also want to be an On-Air Personality in the future for an urban market radio station so this is something I’m kind of interested in. The only thing about Nielson all access is that its primary job is to give ratings, reviews, and broadcast industry news. It’s not like ABC world news tonight or Huffington post but it’s really reliable when it comes to music. I think Nielson All Access is better than Billboard because billboard is biased with what songs are top and trendy like there’s little evidence that supports their case, Nielsen All Access however has charts, tracking information for plays, and ratings in all markets. Nielson All Access has tons of new information everyday about everything specifically regarding music.
  3. I really like Nielson because that’s how I find new music. All radio stations use it to give out the actual information. I get emails everyday of what’s trending and what’s the best songs. For the future I hope it organizes the information a little bit more as the website looks cluttered.



  1. Pictures from
  2. Three Signs You’re Ready to Access Nielsen’s Database of CPG Market Insights. (2019, July 5). Retrieved from
  3. Fake News and Cyber Propaganda: The Use and Abuse of Social Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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