Overview: Having grown up listening to 70s-90s rock and metal, specifically Van Halen, U2, Judas Priest, Aerosmith, and Ozzy Osbourne just to name a few, I have always liked to know what is going on with the bands as time goes on. The Rolling Stone used to be a good music news outlet, but in the recent years they have strayed too far into politics and other topic that don’t pertain to music for my liking. As I have. gotten older, I have moved to heavier music suck as heavy metal, prog rock, hard rock and metal-core. Due to this, the news outlet that keeps up with the heaver scene is one that is called Loudwire. After being Launched in 2011, it has become one of the largest online news outlets for rock.
Into The Website: When looking and exploring the website, we find that it is very user friendly. Not only does this website contain a plethora of information and knowledge on new hard rock, but also knows its roots in classic rock, such as Van Halen and Ozzy. In addition to the website, they also have all of the socials, such as Instagram and Twitter, they also have a very successful YouTube channel and radio/talkshow through their website. A few of my favorite things about this news outlet is the fact that they are very relaxed in their reporting in terms of being politically correct and they really are not bias. They also have copious amounts of interviews, guest hosts and relevant and up to date tour dates. Users are able to choose from the main tabs or search bar at the top of the page what they are looking for. They can choose between options like Gear Factory, 50 Years of Metal, News and a show that they do called Wiki: Facts or Fiction where they have artist go through their wikipedia page and see what is right or wrong. It is very user friendly.
Final Thoughts: Even though there are not many outlets for rock and metal news, Loudwire fills that void with ease. They know what they are talking about and they never fail to put content into the world that is needed to be talked about in the music world. I do see any improvement that could be made to the site or any of their social media accounts. Overall, I would give the site 10/10.