Flickr – A Photo Platform for Professionals

Grace Milan

COMM 498

Professor Zhong

5 March 2021

Flickr – A Photo Platform for Professionals

A vast majority of individuals in today’s technology-run society communicate and share information with one another through online media platforms. One of the primary reasons that individuals use such platforms is to share photos and videos with others as a means of communication, which has only become easier over time. Flickr is a great example of this as a social network that functions to provide users the opportunity to easily upload, organize, and share digital media such as photos and videos with one another. Although it is not one of the most popular or well-known platforms today, it has been around since 2004 and is still used by a large number of photographers and businesses to send pictures to clients, as well as anyone with a desire to share their photos. Furthermore, Flickr accommodates new users by providing specific statistical information on who has looked into their content which is useful to those using the site in hopes to grow their brand (Pinegar, 2019). 

Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are known to be the most popular with the greatest number of users today. However, Flickr is unique in that it’s technology categorizes the content that is uploaded into specific albums on its own, making it easier for users to track down specific photos they are looking for with no hassle. This is especially beneficial for photographers and professionals who look through their photos regularly and may need to find something specific, a skill that is not provided by many of the more popular networks. In addition, Flickr software makes it possible for users to upload multiple images at once at any size of dimension that is preferred, a feature which is not provided through Instagram as its closest counterpart 

(McVeigh, 2017). Although Flickr allows users to connect through an activity panel as well as email people directly from their content, its social network is not nearly as strong as other media platforms in terms of connecting with others. This can be seen as a limitation for Flickr as a media platform because society is progressively finding new ways to use technology as a way to become closer with others through social media. 

Overall, I think that the concept of Flickr is very useful for its users as it focuses on the overarching goal of providing a community for efficient photo sharing while incorporating innovative and impressive technology that makes it user-friendly. 



McVeigh, L. (2017, June 14). 5 Reasons why Flickr is Better than Instagram. Flickr Embed.

Pinegar, G. (2019, June 10). What is Flickr? An Intro Guide to Photo Sharing. Learning Hub.

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