When coming into the class, I was not sure what to expect in-terms of curriculum and what were would be doing for this course. But it has taught me some very valuable ways to think and skills. For one, Google Analytics. This certification not only gives all of us in the course a leg up on the people that do not, but it gives us the knowledge of how to navigate a very important analytics software in the ever growing and adapting world of social media and web tracking. I also have a much better understanding of how to reach target audiences with social media platforms such as Instagram.
Combining my already existing knowledge of social media and journalism, the lessons in this class have proved very helpful and reinforced what I already knew, allowing it to grow. With many upsides to social media usage such as reconnecting with old friends, keeping in touch with loved ones as well as keeping up to date on information and news proved to be imperative during the past year or so. However, with upsides, there are downsides to everything, this is not exempt. The widespread of misinformation and “fake news” has swept the nation in the past few years and social media was a large aid in that. Secondly, with problematic uses of social media such as the fear of missing out (FOMO), Phubbing, and not knowing when it too much time spent online. This problematic usage of social media can lead to ruined relationships with family and friends and even your significant other.
With the ever changing landscape of the digital world, we really don’t know what is next to come. We can only be as ready as we can be for it to get here. From what I have learned from this course, I know that the people in this class will be ready for it. With the never ending possibilities that social media and journalism holds, whether it be in the business sector, analytics sector or even marketing, it allows the firm, group or person to reach a mass audience with ease…if you know how to do it properly. I can see myself using almost everything in this class to better myself in the workplace.
I have throughly enjoyed every aspect of this course because it has touched on every point that it needed to. From, social media outreach to the journalist side of reaching people, the mindset this course has taught me will not go unused. I very much enjoyed the app idea project that took place a few weeks ago. This allowed me to activate my creative side while applying what I learned to a real world scenario. Dr. Z, you have been a pleasure to learn from and I look forward to the rest of this course.