My Semester as a COMM498 Student…

My Semester as a COMM498 Student…


  1. Two important skills you have learned in this course;

Throughout this semester, we have learned countless skills that I have already started to see translate into my daily life. One of the skills I have found most important is the use of Google Analytics and all of the valuable components that come along with it. Even though there are so many components that I would have never even known existed, what I have taken from learning to use them all is that GA can really help shape the strategy for success in your business. Another important thing that I learned is more specific to media content. Of course, I knew that you can not trust everything that is put out on the internet before this course. However, I learned this semester the extent of it, and how to detect and avoid these false portrayals efficiently. 


  1. Two most important lessons you have learned, and why.

The first most important lesson that I have learned in this course, in my opinion, is how social media strategies have shifted drastically and will continue to shift going forward. I know that being social is about forming relationships that are meaningful; media is the core of successful marketing; marketing is about knowing how to communicate correctly and efficiently with others. All this said, I’ve learned that marketing with social media is bringing a revolutionary change to the world of business, making it important to keep up and stay in touch with the world. The second most important thing that I have learned is quoted from Professor Zhong himself, “the future of business is still social, so don’t lock yourself in.” Hearing this meant a lot to me and made my mind spin a back on track because I know that success comes from application and determination, I just needed to be reminded of it. As said by Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”


  1.  Envision the course’s impact on your future career and life

This course has made me think a lot about how my future plans will play out. The dehumization of the workforce that we have learned about makes my future a bit harder to predict. I want to be an agent, and have been ever since Freshman year of high school when I first watched Entourage. This being said, being an agent is a people’s business, which is the main reason that I feel I could fiot so well into it. Will that somehow change? After spending time in thr course, I have learned that no matter what happens, people will still need people for their roles and responsibilities in life, so it is more a matter of what you do with your skills and ideas going forth that will determine your success. Content curation is a large part of what I have learned can be successful if done correctly. At first, I was far off from understanding what the formula for success entails, and thought it was more about the idea for content rather than the rest of the 5-step plan to allow that idea to get somewhere. I now feel more prepared and determined than ever to put my ideas to work and hopefully get somewhere I can be proud of. 


  1. Your reflection on this course as a whole. 

In school, we learn a vast amount of information depending on the courses that we take. Students may learn a great deal of advanced skills in mathematics, english, business, etc. However, the skills that this course has taught me go far beyond in my eyes because they are applicable in almost anything going forth in today’s day-in-age. In this modern era, practically every component of life has become digitalized and if it hasn’t already, it likely will be. Many people are likely to struggle going into the future because they may feel behind when it comes to learning to adapt to these changes. However, after taking this course, I feel as if I already have a head start to my future. This course and the content we have learned from Professor Zhong has overall made me feel much more confident in my ability to truly succeed going forward with what I invision for my future. I am a girl with many ideas constantly running through my head, I have been since elementary school. I have always had an idea of what I want for myself, but growing up in such a fast-paced society has given me some lack of confidence as I was afraid I would not be able to show my true talent through all of the digitalization and technological advancements that make people seem less important. This is what I thought, at least, but I now know that there is plenty of room for me to thrive as myself by using the advice and ideas brought to my attention this semester. I honestly wish the course weren’t ending because I feel as if it is so engaging and inspiring. Overall, it has been a great semester, which I attribute a lot to this class. 

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