Casey Zanowic – Weekly Story Idea 1

  1. The Axle: I want my story to focus on how people are feeling about the statewide mask mandate for Pennsylvania schools.  
  2. Riders: I think the best people to tell this story would be students and parents who are a part of the Pennsylvania school system. Since students will be the ones in the classroom and will have to wear a mask every day, I want to hear their perspective and understand how they feel about it. I also would want to talk to some of their parents to see what their views of the mandate are and whether they believe schools will be strict or lax about its enforcement. Ideally, I would want to interview a variety of people but have both sides of the debate represented: those who support the mask mandate and those who don’t. Lastly, I would want to talk to either a school principal or a district superintendent. I think it’s important to understand their views of the mandate and how they will handle the community’s response to it. 
  3. Spokes: I would want to include footage of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students: images such as students on zoom and doing work from their homes, schools without any people in them, and parents helping their kids with assignments. With that, I would want to include sound from news organizations reporting on the death toll and number of hospitalizations or infections, specifically for young kids who can’t get the vaccine yet. I think these things combined would set the stage and provide the necessary context for why Pennsylvania decided to impose a mask mandate in schools. I would want to include images of students at these schools wearing their masks with nat sound of people talking in classrooms or walking in the halls. I would also want to get nat sound of an anti-mask protest to show the audience the other side of the issue. I would also include some images from these protests to emphasize that this mandate isn’t as simple as it may seem. These would provide the audience with a real look at the impact the mask mandate is having on students and their families. For my stand up, I want to record outside of one school that is imposing the mandate, hopefully with some students walking in or out, to showcase the different rules that we now have when it comes to where to mask up.  
  4. Rim:  
    1. Beginning: The beginning of my story will center around what the past year has been like, specifically for students and their parents, due to COVID-19. I will talk about students having to go online and not being able to attend classes in-person.  
    2. Middle: The middle of my story would talk about the schools themselves and how they are handling the mask mandate. This will focus on any rules or exemptions that they will be enforcing and their perspective on what response from the community has been.  
    3. Ending: I want to close the story by focusing on the impact of the mandate and how people are reacting to it. This would include interviews and images from both perspectives, those who agree with the mandate and are sending their students to school with masks on, and those who disagree and are attending protests or refusing to send their kids to school.  
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