The Axel: My story for this week’s weekly story will be about Penn State football tailgates. I want to focus on being able to share how individuals love of Penn State football over tailgating has brought some sense of normalcy to their lifes. Along with showing in video what makes a Penn State tailgate so memorable and it’s impact.
The Riders: I think the best people to tell how significant Penn State football tailgates are endless. I can interview current students, alumni, families and past football players.
The Spokes: In my story, I think it would be highly beneficial to show the traditons of Penn State tailgates. Such as showing fans cooking foods, playing games, chanting. Along with showing the facial expressions of peoople taikgating to empahzizes the enjoyment.
The Rim: To finish my story, I really want to show and empathize the communituy feel of tailgating. The tailagtes are an essential part of weekly congregations between friends who know each other and people who may have never met for their love of Penn State football.