Aziaun Scott – WSI 3

The Axle: This week I would like to do a story on the emergence of the “Penn State plague” and why it makes the new mask mandate more important than ever before.

The Riders: The best people to help tell this story are Penn State students who are currently sick as well as UHS staff. I believe that their beliefs on how illness is spreading throughout campus could support the story greatly. I also believe that asking UHS employees their opinions on how to stay protected in the midst of cold & flu season will also provide great information for the story.

The Spokes: For this story I would capture images and video clips of students leaving and entering UHS and Mount Nittany Medical Center. I would also secure footage from large lecture halls, specifically where students may not be wearing their masks appropriately. I believe that it will also serve the story well to capture nightlife downtown, especially students and bar goers who are unmasked.

The Rim:

Beginning: I would like the beginning of the story to feature shots of unmasked students in dining and halls and common areas around campus. I think that this will really capture how many students disregard the mask mandate and place others health at risk.

Middle: In the middle of the story I will interview UHS staff to gather professional advice on how students can protect their personal health and others.

End: In the end of the story id like to capture how students aren’t taking the mask mandate seriously enough and are putting others health at risk.

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