The axel: I would do a story about the area high schools who are able to have their school dances this year. I know most local high schools have been having their homecoming dances at the end of September or the beginning to mid-October. Things are back in full swing and many kids are finally getting the chance at normalcy after having their school dances canceled last year.
The Riders: For the spokes, I would interview local high school students, preferably sophomores and up who missed out on their school dances last year. I would find out how they feel about getting the chance to attend their in-person dances again this year. I also would interview some teachers or school staff to see how they feel on the matter. I would ask if they were comfortable with the decision the school made this year regarding school dances. I could also do the same with the parents of the students attending the dance. Another angle I would get is I would interview someone like Tracina Fisher, who owns the shop formalities, who said that she has been selling more homecoming dresses this year than ever before.
Spokes: I could fine-tune this topic by focusing on one local high school, (State High, Bellefonte, Bald Eagle, etc..) and I could do the package by interviewing a group of friends. I would get footage of them before their dance (getting pictures, hanging with friends, going out to eat, etc.) I could also get some footage of the school’s homecoming football game. I could get nat sound of the announcer announcing the hoco queen or king’s name and the applause surrounding it. The memorable moments is seeing kids getting to enjoy themselves after they had to miss out on so much the past year
Beginning: I would introduce the story and do a voice-over while showing footage of the school, students walking/doing their normal everyday activities. I would then interview a student or two, then their parents, then school representatives (with some substance in between of course) It would all be the intro to really see the viewpoints of the people involved at all ends of the spectrum.
Middle: The middle would be footage of the events leading up to hoco like maybe the hoco parade or the hoco football game, showing the court walking on the field in the fancy attire. I would then play the interview with the shop owner who talks about how her business is thriving because of the kids being able to have homecoming. I could also interview other business owners who are positively affected such as a restaurant owner or florist who would also benefit from schools having their homecoming this year. These interviews would be weaved in with the relevant footage such as the kids all dressed up, pinning their flowers, or going out to eat with friends.
End: I think I would close out with a really cute scene of the friends laughing and having a good time. Definitely, a positive scene that shows normalcy, and gives a sense of happiness. I want this to spotlight local residents, but also be a feel-good story, we could all use more of those!