The Axle: I would want to do a story on a recently-approved $600,000 grant from the US Department of Justice to Centre Safe, a nonprofit in Centre County, to provide legal services to survivors of domestic and sexual assault. I saw this story on and I believe it deserves an in-depth look.
The Riders: For this story, there are many groups of people whose stories would have an impact on others. First, I would talk to the leadership at Centre Safe about what they will use the grant for, specifically. I would also talk to survivors and ask how this fund will help them overcome difficulties. Finally, I could talk to residents of Centre County to ask about the potential impact of Centre Safe and the new grant.
The Spokes: I would probably do my standup right outside of Centre Safe’s location in downtown State College to show the area. However, the grant is targeted at survivors in rural areas of Centre County so I would go to those towns to shoot b-roll. Shots of all of the people I interviewed would be highly impactful to the story as well. As for nat sound, I would look to get some in the rural towns where the impact of the grant is to be felt.
The Rim
- Beginning: I want to illustrate the scope of the grant, and what Centre Safe did to receive the grant from the US DOJ. This would include an interview with the directors of the nonprofit.
- Middle: For the middle of my story, I would focus on the impact of the grant on the survivors of domestic and sexual assault cases. I would show interviews with survivors documenting what the grant would mean to them and other survivors.
- End: To relate the story to the Centre County and State College community, I would show interviews of residents to illustrate the impact of the grant on the county in a broad sense. I would include my standup at the end about the next steps that Centre Safe will take, and I might also provide viewers with basic safety tips on how to respond if an assault were to occur. A creative standup with various self-defense demonstrations would be very beneficial to viewers and relate well to the topic of the story.