Blog 1 – Madison Montag

Before my group started to work on the first project I was slightly nervous, but overall confident in my ability to shoot decent B-roll and use the equipment. I have never used a camera like the one we use in this course, but I am familiar with some DSLR cameras. I am already very confident in my ability to use a tripod, and I have been editing with Premiere Pro for a few years. This project was my first time using microphone equipment, and I was surprised to find myself learning very quickly. The parts of this project I was nervous about included getting good interview audio and video and using the right settings on the camera to get usable footage.

As soon as I was standing in front of Old Main and actually using the camera, I began to slowly understand the different functions that we learned in our camera workshop. My group and I ended up shooting enough usable footage. The footage we couldn’t use will act as a lesson to me going forward with other projects in Comm 465. To my surprise, people were much more willing to get in front of our camera and conduct interviews. I still need to work on “controlling the interview” like we learned in class, but I know that I will only get better with time. Utilizing camera tricks and angles we learn in class, I have faith that my projects will only get better throughout the year.

Other than lugging the tripod and camera bag around, this project was actually a lot of fun! I love the hands on learning experiences I am gaining from projects like this. I think for our first time, our video turned out very well. We worked very well as a team, and we all helped each other learn different aspects of the project as we progressed.

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