Julie Jastremski Blog Post 1

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect for Project 1, but I think my group did a pretty good job when looking at our final result. The thing I was most nervous about for this project was remembering how to operate the camera and microphone because a lot go emphasis was placed on checking lighting and sound because if it wasn’t set properly we would have to reshoot. My group members and I were able to shoot everything correctly the first time without having to reshoot, which I consider a success in itself. Finding people to interview was another challenge I thought we would face, but the first person we asked was more than willing to speak to us on camera. After the first day of shooting, I was diagnosed with the PSFlu– so I was unable to participate in the second day of shooting, but overall I was very happy with how my team worked together and what our end product was.

Filming the bells at Old Main.

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