Malia Brown – Blog 1

I was quite the nervous wreck when heading into Project 1. I have never worked with these types of cameras, used a tripod, or used Premiere to edit all aspects of a video before. The only experience I really had was taking a video off my phone and using some random application on my phone to trim it. Truth be told, I was stressed before even starting the project with all these tasks weighing on my shoulders that I did not think I was going to be able to handle. However, I remembered being told in the very first class for COMM465 that this class was going to be a lot of work, but it is important to always give your best effort, so that is exactly what I did.
After completing Project 1, I truly believe that Lily, Makenna, and I worked together very well and produced a pretty good first pkg, but there was both ups and downs to the process. One of the biggest things I learned is how to work the camera. As I said before, I have never used one of these and even after the workshops I was still confused since so much information was given to us. Thankfully, as a team we were able to figure out everything we needed to do such as adjusting the white balance and zooming-in and out slowly. Another thing I learned is to not wait to start editing so long after the shots have been taken. Once we started editing, we realized we could have used a few more shots and maybe a better interview, but we were already in such a time crunch with all of us being free at the same time. This led us to work with the footage we had and strive to make the best of it. Although, the editing itself was one of my favorite parts. It was easy to do once I got the hang of it and it was fun to play around with.
In all, I think our video was good for being our first one. I learned how to use the camera, improved on my teamwork skills, and realized that next time, it is important to upload our footage right after editing, take more shots, and to have better time management skills. In conclusion, I believe everything I learned from this first project will only make my next ones better and I am excited to begin working on them.
(Below is a picture of me picking up all the equipment needed to put this project together.)

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