WSI 5 — Joe Eckstein

The Axel: For my story idea this week, I would want to cover the upcoming municipal elections in Centre County that are coming up soon.

The Riders: For the riders in this story, I feel that there are multiple angles and people that could be spoken to for this story. The candidates for various positions could be a great way to get a better understanding of the importance of this local election and offer a chance for the candidates to express their beliefs and platforms. Another group of people that could be great for interviews would be supporters of certain candidates to see why they support the candidates.

The Spokes: For the spokes, I think that some good shots for B-roll would be of the candidates campaigning to crowds with the nat sound being the crowd noise. The other angle could be shooting footage of local homes with political signs in yards.

The Rim:

Beginning: Open up with shots of candidates campaigning, get a couple of interviews with people in the crowd to see why they are attending the rallies. Segue to possible soundbites from the candidates.

Middle: Begin interviews with the candidates to learn more about their platforms, how they feel about the upcoming elections and how they feel this will impact Centre County in the short and long term.

End: Conclude with shots of supporter homes and signs, talk to the supporters to see why they support their candidate of choice and what they expect from this election.

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