Gabe Angieri — Weekly Story Idea 5

The Axle: My story idea this week would be about flu shots in Centre County. With the emphasis being on COVID-19 vaccinations, I’m curious to see if flu shots are being overlooked, or if they’re still being administered at a high rate.
The Riders: First off, I think talking to multiple Centre County residents would be a good start. I realize that some people may not be comfortable sharing vaccination information, but I’m confident I’d be able to find a sufficient amount of people who are willing to say whether they got the flu vaccine. Additionally, I think talking to health offices in Centre County about the administration rate for the flu vaccine would be interesting. I honestly don’t know how much information they’d be allowed to tell me, but I think I would be able to get some information that is valuable to my story. I think another angle that would be intriguing is seeing if people didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine still got the flu vaccine. Again, some people may not feel comfortable sharing, which I understand, but I think I’ll be able to find people who would be willing to share.
The Spokes: I would want to get footage outside a health office where flu vaccines are administered. Additionally, getting shots downtown of people walking around is always a good idea. The more shots, the better, of course. I also think getting footage of people walking around with masks would be relevant for when I talk about COVID-19 vaccines in my story, too. My natural sound would come from inside a health office. Additionally, some nat sound from a COVID-19 testing center would be nice to have as well for when I talk about the ongoing pandemic. I would do my stand-up outside somewhere that offers flu shots, like a CVS or Walgreens.
I would begin my story talking about how flu shots are now being offered a various locations in Centre County, and then mention the ongoing debate about COVID-19 vaccinations and how that may overshadow the importance of flu vaccines. I would include shots from COVID-19 testing centers and shots from flu vaccine locations in this part.
Middle: The middle is where I would include my interviews with Centre County residents and local health officials. My nat sound from health offices would also be included in this part, as it would be relevant since I’d be including interviews with a local health official.
End: I would end my story with an interview with someone who maybe didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, but decided to get the flu vaccine. I think that would something interesting to include. I would then finish it off with my stand-up.

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