WSI 5 – Malia Brown

The Axle:
For my story idea this week, I really want to focus on how colleges are planning and what they are doing in their power to prevent sexual violence from occuring. I really want to dive into how the students, professors, administration and parents feel about how sexual violence continues to increase amongst colleges and what needs to be done to put an end to it. It is a no-brainer that it is important for any and every college to solace this issue, but for this story, I will be focusing on the statistical data of sexual violence at Penn State, the protest that recently took place in downtown State College and on Penn State’s campus, and the the effects all this has on what is to come for the future. My story idea was inspired by the Centre Daily Times.
The Riders:
This story honestly applies for any college within the United States as it can help provide ways to prevent sexual violence from occuring and bring awareness. However, this story is solely going to be based around the sexual violence protest that was organizd recently and the effects it has had on the Penn State community as a whole. The best people to tell this story are first off the organization Students Agianst Sexist Violence because they are the ones that organized the march on Penn State’s campus and have some of the most passion towards the subject. I would also like to speak too students and people that were just involved in the march and why they decided to join, how they think sexual violence can be prevented, and if they think the march has had any effect on the upper authorities of Penn State. I would also like to speak to students, professors, and higher-ups who have heard about the march and the heightened happenings of sexual violence and their thoughts, game plans and concerns. Lastly, i would like to talk to the organization GreeksCare, who tries to prevent sexual violence and their thoughts.
The Spokes:
I definitely would include footage of the protest accompanying it with natural sounds of what the protestors are yelling. I think getting different shots of the feet of the people marching, the signs being swung around and close-ups of what they signs say will really allow the audience of the pkg to feel as if they are a part of the protest too. I also think it would be a good idea to include footage of different places on and off campus such as frat row and the dorms to really emphasize the fact that these events can occur anywhere, but can be stopped if something is done about it sooner than later. I would include SOT footage of interviews with member/members of the Student’s Against Sexist Violence, students/people/professors involved in march or have heard about it, higher-ips at Penn State, possibly parents of these students, and the organization GreeksCare that already tries to prevent these things from occurring every single day.

The Rim:

Beginning: I want the beginning to feature the quick cuts of the people marching, gathered downtown, holding the signs and close-ups of their feet marching. I believe this would really bring to the pkg the seriousness that comes along with sexual violence on college campus’s and realy draw people in to wanting to learn how they can help this from occurring over and over again. This would also include the sound of the protest.

Middle: In the middle, I really want to provide statistical data on the increasing numbers of sexual violence across college campus’s and include Penn State’s specific numbers of just this semester alone. This will also be the bulk of my interviews with the organization that put the march together, students, professors, Penn State higher-ups, and possibly parents to really express how passionate people are from putting this to an end.

End: The ending would really focus on how specifically Penn State plans on preventing sexual violence from happening and the effects the march has had on their thoughts. This closing section may also include an interview with a Penn State higher-up, but most importantly it will include an interview with a member of the GreeksCare organization and possibly another interview with the member of Students Against Sexist Violence. Yes, I know it is GreeksCare, but they provide students with information on how to stop this from occurring and encourage them to share it with all their friends. Ithen want to include shots of people being happy on campus with one another because that is what college should be about.

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