WSI 6 – Malia Brown

The Axle:
For my story idea this week, I really want to focus on the different ways college students manage stress. With midterms coming up, I think it is the perfect time to do a story on this in order to help not only first-year students in college, but any age group in college overcome the tension that comes along with the college lifestyle. The stress management techniques will directly be related in the college world since college students will be interviewed, but these tactics can be used by high school students and just people facing any type of workload stress in their life. With Penn State being the college closest campus in proximity, I would be conducting interviews with students from there in order to provide advice to all college students of the United States.

The Riders:
This story honestly applies for any college student within the United States as it can help provide ways to help manage the stresses they endeavor. The best people to tell this story would obviously be the college students who are experiencing the stress first-hand. I would interview college students from each age group to get different opinions of how theft is dealing with stress and allows college students around the world to relate with someone of their own personal age group. Furthermore, I would interview professors to see if they could suggest ways for students to deal with the stress that comes along with the amount of work that is expected of them and what they did in college in order to succeed. I would also interview the department of people that work within CAPS. I would pose the question to them on how manys students come to them about stress and their personal suggestions of how to deal with it. These logically sporadic interviews will provide a variety of information for students struggling with the villain of stress.

The Spokes:
I would most definitely include footage of students studying around campus. This would include places such as the library, HUB, and dorm common areas. I hope with getting these shots, I will be able to obtain footage of students visually looking stressed. I also think it would be cool to get shots of a students agenda or all the assignments and stuff they have due on a calendar to emphasize the fact of how much is expected of them. This will give an emotional feel to the audience when seeing how much a student really has to do. I would include SOT footage of the college students, professors and the CAPS department to explain the stress they experience/see, how they deal with it/dealt with it, and maybe even sharing a personal story of their own. I would also like to include footage of the things they do to overcome the stress such as maybe the students hanging out with their friends, being at the gym, listening to music and anything else they suggest. I would include nat sound from the places of studying and the places and things they do to overcome the stress.

The Rim:

Beginning: In the beginning, I would include the footage with quick cuts of where Penn State students study, them looking visually stressed, and examples of the lists of work that is expected of them through a calendar. This will allow the audience to get an initial feel of the stress that comes along with being a college student and bring awareness to the problem.

Middle: The middle of the pkg would include the bulk of the SOT footage with the interviews of the college students, professors, and CAPS department. This will reveal how stressful college can become and provide insight on how to manage it while simultaneously succeeding in their academics. I would also like to include statistical data here of what the biggest stresses are of a college student and how this affects their daily moods and routines.

End: The ending would specifically emphasize on the advice provided on how to manage stress. I would include footage of students happily studying, being with friends, being at the gym and just truly enjoying their life in college and not being stressed. I may also include another SOT clip of an interview with some positive words whether it’s a student, professor or CAPS department worker to end the clip with high spirits. I hope through this footage it makes students around the world take a step back and come to the realization that they have the power to overcome the endeavors and stresses they are facing within college too.


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