Jordan Hession Blog 3

MILESBURG,PA- The Spring Creek Bridge is just one of the many bridges in the United States, that has had a pivotl role in the transportation of goods and people to one location to another. Built in 1898, Sprig Creek Bridge also known as Veterans Bridge, is a avenue for daily travel among Centre County residents.

With a small population of around 1,000, many drivers of Milesburg and outsiders that use  the bridge for destinations get to take in the beautiful view of two local creeks of Milesburg. The Bald  Eagle Creek and Spring Creek which both meet at the Spring Creek Bridge.

Chris Malazita a local resident of Milesburg and a current Penn State student explained how nostalgic the bridge is to locals.

“The bridge, it’s super important to the community. It’s been  around for such a long time and it’s just a great means of  transportation,” Malazita said.

The Spring Creek Bridge is not just any other ordinary bridge, since it exemplifies a bridge’s purpose which is to bring communites together. Peter Kempf, a senior  civil engineer manager for Pennsylvania’s department of  transportation also known as PennDOT, explained that whenever a bridge needs an upgrade it impedes the flow of transportation between communities.

“A bridge by nature brings two communities together. So  when we have a bridge that needs maintenance work or needs  to be reconstructed, there’s two communities that were  together that have a sense of divide,” Kempf said. “Anytime you disrupt someone’s normal way of life, there’s  generally pushback. So, it’s our responsibility from the PR  side of things to do that educational reach, and then make  sure they understand why we’re doing what we’re doing,” Kempf stated.

The Spring Creek Bridge underwent necessary upgrades in 1997 , which involves  extensive work to the bridge. Kempf siad that when work to a large degree like that is done to a bridge, it’s crucial for his department to make sure they have a clear perception as to why the upgrades need or is being done, and why it’s  happening in the moment.

“Anytime you disrupt someone’s normal way of life, there’s  generally pushback. So, it’s our responsibility from the PR  side of things to do that educational reach, and then make  sure they understand why we’re doing what we’re doing,” Kempf stated.

For being 123-years-old Spring Creek Bridge continues to be a reliable route of transportation for the residents of Centre County with its beaufuil sights and sounds.



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