Jack Tumen weekly story idea 2

Axle: The focus of the story would be on the Chiptole restaurant in downtown State College. Just the other day, the establishment closed because employees reportedly complained about “sweat shop” conditions. We would look deeper into what exactly led to this.

Riders: The riders would be some of the employees of Chipotle. They could tell us what exactly conditions were like for them on a day to day basis and tell us if they have complained before about this, how they chose to go on strike and any other details they’d be willing to give about their work conditions. In addition, we could interview some regular customers of Chipotle to describe if they have noticed these conditions in the back kitchen every time they come through the restaurant.

Spokes: The details of the story could focus on the physical set up of the kitchen. Does the kitchen’s layout present any immediate danger or inconvenience for the workers? We would ask what exactly was going on for these workers and try to get some specific examples of working conditions that are not suitable for a regular restaurant worker.

The Rim: Story begins with some shots of the restaurant. We get some quotes from people who love the restaurant and they tell us how often they come here. But then we change the tone and say that not all is well in the restaurant

Some employees give us quotes about their unhappiness with the current state of their workplace and some of the everyday occurrences that happen that make it a negative or dangerous workplace environment

Story closes with some shots of the restaurant on a busy normal day. We get some quotes from workers about what eventually led to the establishment being reopened and what changed were made that will stick in the future for the Chipotle to stay open with safe conditions for the workers.

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