Kim Connors Weekly Story Idea 2

The Axle:

The Centre County office of CareerLink has a GET2WORK program that helps find employment for people ages 17-24 with a high school diploma or GED. I’d like to specifically focus in on one person who has been helped through this program and find out everything that has come from it.

The Riders:

The young person that has found a job through GET2WORK, the employees at CareerLink that worked with said person, the parents of said person, different members of the surrounding community

The Spokes:

Interview with the young person that has found a job through GET2WORK on how the program gave them the right tools and resources in order to find a job that goes beyond being a cashier or something in that sense and also talk about what led them to go to CareerLink for help and what circumstances they were under in high school that affected him/her not continuing onto college for a degree.

Interview with the parents talking about how they watched their child shape themselves and overcome many obstacles which in the end resulted in getting a job their child never thought would be possible.

Interview with workers at CareerLink that work specifically with the GET2WORK program that worked with the young person my story is around and have them talk about what it was like to work with that person, how they have grown, and what they were able to do to make sure they found a job best suited for this person.

Interview with different community members discussing what they think of the program and how great of a resource it is for those who cannot pursue a higher education.

B-roll of the specific person I’m focusing on getting ready for a day at their new job, Nat sound from people at CareerLink talking to GET2WORK specialists.

The Rim:

Beginning: Starting with footage of whichever person I’m focusing in on getting ready for work, with VO explaining that he/she never received a college degree but is heading to work at (insert whatever the place of employment is).

Middle: Transition over to this person discussing how their life was growing up and why they chose to not pursue a higher education and have them talk about the struggles they faced. Also have the parents giving insight onto how they felt about their child not going to college and the worries they faced in this economy about him/her finding a job without a college degree. Transition over to discussing how GET2WORK changed everything and gave them the tools in order to find a job that goes beyond earning minimum wage and have the people at CareerLink talk about what it was like to work with the person.

End: Interview with community members on how great the program is for the area and how beneficial it is, and then switch back to interviewing the young person that now has a job explaining how different and important their life is now that they have a career.,1460665/

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