Kimberly Tyborowski Weekly Story Idea #2

The Axle:

Free to Breathe Race in State College

The Riders:

organizers of the race, participant/survivors stories

The Spokes:

-Footage of the participants/survivors/children at Tom Tudek Memorial Park (wide shot)

-Footage of participants- who they are running for if they have signs on them (tight shot)

-Footage of people at the sign up desk (medium shot)

-An interview of people with who they are running for, background stories, with a variety of shots. An interview of the president/leading official who set this up and how they set it up.

-Have natural sound of the runners feet, a DJ, and children laughing.

The Rim:

Beginning- I would show a wide shot of Tudek Park to emphasize how many people are at the beginning with a VO. Then I would go into the race and ask for an interview from a participant and their opinion/back story (SOT).

Middle:I would take a variety of shots and underneath probably have a higher executive fade into the shot and have them speak a little about the race and how it began and their involvement with the race (VO/SOT).

End: I would end with a stand up of people running out of Tudek Park with nat sound of the runners behind me.

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