Title: Youth Center open and ready in Bellefonte
Axle: Wednesday afternoon the brand new Bellefonte Youth center opened its doors for the communities youth. The youth centers which is open to kids between the ages of 5 and 18 had roughly 250 members last year, but has now just moved down the road.
Riders: The best people to tell the story would be the kids who were part of the youth center before and how they like the chances and the new building. Their parents would also be great to talk to about how they feel about leaving their kids there now. Also, the owner of the youth center and what his goal is moving forward. The last person I would talk to is the mayor, and what his role was in making the move.
The Spokes:The Bellefonte Area High School band and the mayor led a parade from the old location to the new one on monday as a part of the grand opening. With new toys and more room to play the biggest improvement is now there are 2 bathrooms, one for the boys and one for the girls so no one has to uncomfortably wait anymore.
The Rim: The youth center is a stress free place for kids to learn and grow. The youth center hopes to improve kids experience in the community, and gain momentum as new members join, hoping to create friendships that the kids can maintain as they grow up.