Matt Custodio Week 5 Story Idea

The Axle:

The CATA Bus driver are a danger to the students of Penn State.


The Riders:

The best people to tell the story are people that ride the CATA buses daily either around campus or to and from off campus location. I would talk to CATA drivers to get their side of the story and find out what sort of drivers training is given before they start driving. Also the front offices of both the school and CATA to find out the relationship and the true numbers of people hit by buses on campus.


The Spokes:

I would get a couple shots of buses driving around campus at different busy locations from both on a bus and on the sidewalk. Over by the White building and by east halls are two of the busier sections of campus and have a high volume of foot traffic. If I could find someone that has either been hit or seen someone hit by a bus, I would like to ask him or her what was going through their mind when it happened. If neither of those options are available, I would like to find someone that has seen a close call to someone being hit by a bus.


The Rim (What are the beginning, middle and ending of your story?)


  • Beginning: Students walking around campus with buses and cars driving by.
  • Middle: Pedestrians talking about their encounters with buses and any close calls or actually collisions experienced.
  • Ending: Stats on bus pedestrian collisions as well as how CATA handles the situation after a collision.
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