Portray the efforts being made my Bellefonte School District to address issues social media presents with students, with the parents of the District.
It would be great to be able to have interviews of faculty from the district, as well as the other parties who are helping to put together the event at the Elementary School. Also having commentary from parents and their feedback on this issue and how it is being addressed.
I want to show the people gathering for the event, show the turnout the community got to raise awareness on an issue becoming more prevalent in our society. I want to be able to show the parents and those who put everything together interacting and discussing the topic and issue.
Finally some interviews with parents and those in charge of the event, including Sprint Township police should provide important interviews, especially the police, which will show the severity of this issue and it is not something to be taken so lightly.
Beginning – Start with B-roll of parents arriving at the elementary school and gathering at the school with those who are hosting the event. An interview with a faculty member of the school, the principal if available would be a great person to open up with, giving his/her take on the night and what is in store.
Middle – Follow with B-roll of the presentation and the parents and faculty interacting and discussing the topic at hand. A standup could fit here describing the feel of the environment and elaborating if necessary on what was discussed.
End – Finish with interviews of parents and their feelings after the event. How they feel they have been benefited from learning more specifics about this growing issue, and close with an interview and B-roll of parents and faculty exiting the school while talking and interacting.