Alex Woodin Weekly Story Idea 5

The Axle:

A student died in a van accident while driving the Penn Stater van back to the hotel after dropping a client off at the airport.  He was reportedly driving too fast and hit the barrier after missing his exit ramp and trying to turn at the last second. He died from the resulting head and chest injuries.

The Riders

The student (Joshua Mejia), the responding police officers/firefighters/EMTs, people who witnessed the accident.

The Spokes:

B-roll footage of the wrecked car at the scene, B-roll footage of the responders getting Mejia into the ambulance, B-roll footage of the people’s reactions who stopped to help, footage of Mejia being brought into the hospital

Interviews with the responders and with the people who stopped

The Rim:

Beginning: Start with footage of the wrecked car on the side of the road with anchor voiceover explaining what happened.

Middle: Use footage of police/firefighter/EMT responders to transition to interviews with the responders about what happened and what they are doing now.  Next, use B-roll of people who stopped to help to transition into interviews with them about what they saw and their reactions.

Ending: Use footage of Mejia being brought into the ambulance to transition into interview with responders talking about how this could have been prevented. Finish with B-roll of Mejia being brought into the hospital.

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