Aria Moyer Weekly Story Idea 6

Axle: The focus of my story would be the ultramarathon to benefit Cancer Survivor’s Association held Sunday October 19, in Rothrock State Forest, PA as part of the 15th annual Tussey Mountain back relay.

The riders: The best people to tell the story would be the people running the marathon, the spectators, volunteers and organizers of the marathon and relay. I would also interview any cancer survivors present at the marathon, or anyone who is running to in remembrance of a loved one diagnosed with cancer. I would want to interview those people, and provided a humanized angle to the marathon and why it matters to them.

The spokes: the details I would include would be B-Roll footage of the runners running the marathon, their family and friends cheering them on. In addition, an interview with the runners on why the ran and hopefully find a personal story that relates back to the Cancer Survivor’s Association, which is where all the money raised will be going to. I would also interview race director, Mike Casper and ask him why this race matters to him and how he hopes to beat last years total of $15,000 raised for charity. I would also include B-Roll of the families and runners interacting, as well as volunteers setting up the race, and the race director starting off the race, with many shots of races crossing the finish line.

Rim: The beginning would be B-Roll of the volunteers setting up the race, families arriving at the site in marathon gear, and signs, along with VO to explain the charity behind the marathon. The middle would be SOT of the Race Director Mike Casper explaining why this race matters to him personally, and the community. Along with B-roll of the racers starting and running the marathon, and spectators holding signs of loved ones who passed away to cancer. I would then focus on one runner and his/her personal story that inspired him/ her to run in the marathon benefiting the Cancer Survivor Association. In addition to the runner explain their inspiration to compete, I would also interview their family and friends at the sidelines on what this event means to them and their runner. The end: would be an interview of the runner explaining how he feels after the marathon, and b-roll of him/ her crossing the finish line and embracing their families and friends at the sidelines. I would also interview the race director to give one final feedback on how the event went and how much money was raised for the Cancer Survivor’s Association.,1461226/

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