The Axle: The newly built CVS Pharmacy will give citizens of Centre County on North Atherton another store, but was it built out of necessity or for competitive reasons.
The Riders: Some of the best people to tell this story are the citizens of Centre County that will benefit of having a CVS closer to their homes. I believe it is also important to talk to the employees of the CVS to see how their new job has affected their lives, either positively or negatively. I also think that getting the opinions of other customers form other local pharmacies and would like to see if they might change where they go for pharmaceuticals.
The Spokes: I think the focal point of this story would be a lot of B-Roll from outside the store and the surrounding area. I think another important aspect of the story would be the SOT’s of the customers because the angle I would want to take is how it is affecting the community. Whether I use SOT’s from CVS customers, Giant Customers or employees, I think they will all give valuable input and a difference of angles.
The Rim (What are the beginning, middle and ending of your story?)
- Beginning: Brand new pharmacy was built in a short period of time.
- Middle: The effect that a new pharmacy has on the community and how people around the area are reacting.
- Ending: Some final numbers and state what the general reaction from the interviews was.