Megan Jander Weekly Story Idea #8


Candidates Compete for 5th District Seat in Debate


-Glenn Thompson

-Kerith Strano Taylor

-some audience members and other locals


-nat sound of ballots

-interview with Thompson

-interview with Strano Taylor

-interviews with audience/locals

-footage of debate

-pictures of Thompson and Strano Taylor’s campaigns

-footage of ballots


Beginning: Start with natural sound of ballots. Have reporter discuss the ballots getting ready for elections, including the race between Thompson and Strano Taylor. Lead into footage of the debate. Focus on subject of college debt and paying loans.

Middle: Transition into interviews with Thompson and Strano Taylor on their plans for solving or helping this issue. Have reporter go into the pros and cons of each candidate, showing pictures of their campaigns.

End: Lead into interviews with locals and audience present during the debate on their opinions of each candidate and their feelings on college debt and loans (find students and local residents, especially alumni). Finish with stand up of reporter at the ballots discussing the preparations for voting for the election and how each vote will make a difference to those issues and more discussed during the debate.

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