Brittany Misitano Blog 4

I did not have a partner for Project 3. I find it easier to work alone instead of trying to collaborate with other people’s schedules. While some components of the project might be easier with a partner, I believe it easier overall to do a solo project.

I believe there were a few positive aspects of my project. I think I had some good sound bites from my interview with Gabby Richards who was the Vice President of the College of Democrats on campus. I think some of the b-roll I got was good and relevant to the package.

There were a lot of negatives that I picked up on that I can learn from in my package. I should have gotten more b-roll while I was filming at the HUB. Also, I only had footage of the Democratic poll workers. While I was at the HUB, there were no Republican poll workers there to interview, but perhaps I should have waited a little longer to see if they would show up. Also, my voice over on the package was weaker than I would have liked it to be. I didn’t have sequences in my package either. I also probably could have used more interviews with students.

For me, this project was harder than the first two to film, edit, and write for. Overall, however, I have learned a great deal in Comm 465. From my first package in September to this package, my confidence in going out and filming and putting together a story has grown. And while this project was harder to write for, my skills in writing for TV and writing a good script I believe have also grown. I’ve also grown more confident in using Adobe Premiere to edit my packages.

What I would like to improve on is learning how to put together sequences and including more of them into my package. I believe the more practice I get with filming and editing,the more confident I will be and it will come across in the quality of my package. What I’ve learned from Dr. Zhong’s class is that every step of the process is equally important: from the initial research down to the final edit. This class for me has been a learning process, and at times very stressful, but it has taught me a lot about journalism and broadcasting and I believe that it will only benefit me in my future career.

Voter sign in the HUB at Penn State Taken by: Brittany Misitano

Voter sign in the HUB at Penn State
Taken by: Brittany Misitano

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